Lambros Fisfis talks to us about love, Metallica and... thermal insulation!

The popular stand-up comedian talks about everything that no one admits to!
Alumil Team
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Love and... thermal insulation

Finally Lambros, how easy is it to find your other half, when there are so many "cold-blooded" and "hot-blooded" guys out there? Do you think that love goes through thermal insulation?

Clearly. These are the important things. It doesn't matter if you have common tastes. You can listen to music on your own, you can watch shows on your own. If you have a big difference in your perception of what the right temperature is, you're done. It's futile to try. Some things cannot be overcome.

The right temperature

It's your first date and you've prepared the perfect romantic dinner. Candles, gourmet food, Barry White playing on the speakers and you're waiting for her at home. You have set the temperature to the ideal degrees for you. She walks in and the first thing she says to you is "Are you living in a sauna?" What do you think and how do you react?

You lost me at "it's a first date." I haven't been on a first date in 15 years. Well then with the candles, the gourmet meal and Barry White I just stopped reading. As for "Do you live well in a sauna?" I imagine you wrote it as an expression of joy and positive surprise, not as something negative. My wife would be super happy if we lived in a sauna.

The thermostat

Every house has its own thermostat expert, a man who seems to have studied the subject at length. He holds the key to our thermal comfort and is firm about what the right temperature should be. How would you describe this type of person?

In a word. Dad. That's what I have in mind. If you're not the dad, you can't touch the thermostat. It's like Excalibur or Thor's hammer. Only the Chosen One can touch it: the ThermoMaster!

Favourite sounds & noise

Lambros, how are you doing with the sounds? Tell us about a sound you love and a sound that when you hear it you wish you had triple glazing?

The sound I really like is the man who walks through the neighbourhood every morning playing the accordion and singing. Even though he's been playing the same 3 songs for 10 years now, I like him a lot. The sound I'd like 2 rows of triple glazing is the guy who is revving his bike to warm it up. I have lived for 5 years in an elevated ground floor and he always parked it outside my bedroom. I say park because he's no longer alive. No, no, I didn't kill him. I have an alibi for that night.

On sound insulation

You rent a new house and within a few days you realize that the neighbour across the street is a drummer and rehearses Metallica every afternoon. Are you looking for a solution or are you looking for a house?

If it's Metallica I'll stay. I'm a fan. What kind of music the other person will rehearse is important. If you are not at all suited to the genre you are definitely leaving or... changing frames.

Athens or the countryside?

Imagine that you are given only 2 options of where to live. Where would you choose to live and why?

Α. In a bustling area of Athens, where every morning you have a bonus track of popular songs?
Β. In a Greek island country in the month of August, with the bars playing their music in full volume and hearing the phrase "Do you want to eat moussaka" in fluent Greeklish from a nearby restaurant employee?

Clearly the first one. I'm a city boy. If I go to an island, I'll get anxious about the peace and quiet. If you live in a city for many years, you can’t even hear the noise. Your system somehow blocks it. The frames also help, of course.

Type of frame

If you were a talking aluminium frame, what type of frame would you be and what would you say to those who use you?

From what I understood from what I was told by the people I met at Alumil headquarters, the frames are durable. Then I tested them and they do hold up. We have a scene in the video, where I opened and closed a frame about 150 times for the shoot. Nothing happened to it. So if I was a frame I'd be like Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry. I'd look and anyone who came to open me I'd say: "Make my Day!"


Alumil Team
Alumil Team

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