Learn all the secrets to extend the life of your windows and doors

Learn about all the maintenance and cleaning stages of ALUMIL aluminium frames and their individual components, so that they remain durable no matter how many years go by. Find out how often you need to check them and learn the best way to maintain them.
6’ read

What the handbook includes:

  • The instructions for the correct operation of ALUMIL aluminium frames. 
  • The steps for proper cleaning, the use of protective film and the appropriate cleaning frequency. 
  • Useful tips on how to clean the individual parts of the window frames and what are the most suitable materials. 
  • A Periodic Maintenance Diary to keep a detailed record of your work. 

Do you have aluminium windows and don't know how to maintain them?

Download the pdf and discover how to do proper maintenance of all parts according to the general instructions provided.

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Alumil Team
Alumil Team

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