ArXellence 3 is an Open, One-Stage International Transdisciplinary Architectural ideas competition that seeks a holistic approach from the participants to preserve historical memory and promote sustainable development on the Cycladic island of Gyaros.
icon-star New Date: Project Submission Deadline
icon-star Overall Prizes
70.000 €

Are you seeking more details on ArXellence 3?

Competition Area: Gyaros Island

In the northern part of the Cyclades, there is an unpopulated island with a long and turbulent history. Gyaros is a desolate land shrouded in the remnants of its past. Today, the island has great ecological importance as it hosts the largest population of monk seals in the Mediterranean.

The Objective

ArXellence 3 is an international transdisciplinary architectural ideas competition that invites the global architectural community to submit their proposals for the creation of a water & energy self-sufficient Hub, which will help develop strategies for biodiversity in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Competition Timeline

Ensure you stay informed and engaged with the key dates and follow every step of the ArXellence 3 journey.

Competition Launch
Registration Deadline
Project Submission Deadline (New Date)
Announcement of Results (New Date)
Competition launch
Wednesday 03-07-2024 
Deadline for 1st round of questions
Wednesday 31-7-2024 
Deadline for answers (1st round)
Monday 09-09-2024 
Deadline for registration
Monday 11-11-2024 
Deadline for 2nd round of questions
Friday 22-11-2024 
Deadline for answers (2nd round)
Friday 06-12-2024 
Start of submission period
Monday 09-12-2024
Deadline for entries (New Date)
Wednesday 15-10-2025 
Formal examination of entries by the Technical Committee  (New Date)
Wednesday 29-10-2025 
Jury sessions, evaluation of entries, and report  (New Date)
24 to 26-11-2025 
Announcement of Competition results  (New Date)
Tuesday 02-12-2025 
The 3 grand prizes of the competition will be awarded by jury vote and will be reflected as follows:
for the best transdisciplinary approach
1st Price
40.000 €
2nd Price
20.000 €
3rd Price
10.000 €
Honorable mentions
Winners’ Publicity Campaign
The architectural proposals of the competition, which will be distinguished through the jury's vote, will receive publicity through various communication channels.
The leaders or members of the awarded teams will be interviewed about their work.
Awarded proposals will feature prominently in the ArXellence 3 exhibition.
Media Partners
Media Partners
Our Media Partners will promote competition proposals and participating firms.


The Architectural Competition Brief outlines specific submission requirements that must be met.

a. A presentation that will include 8 slides:

1. Master plan, Transportation, Infrastructure

2. Restoration plan of the buildings (up to 3)

3. Hydraulics / Hydrology /Desalination and Water Treatment Management

4. Energy: Green, Sustainable, Renewable

5. Plantation and Rehabilitation of Soil /Biodiversity /Agriculture

6. Coastal and Maritime (blue economy activities)

7. Optional (business plan/ sustainability financial model)

8. Optional (Workshops / Museum/ Green Bonds/income financial instruments, Green financing

b. Optional: A 5-minute video to present ideas regarding the Competition.

Note: Please ensure the submission's anonymity (no faces of the team should be shown).

Submissions vary according to the project's type, cost, and complexity. In general, Participants must supply sufficient information to demonstrate how they have responded to the sponsor's requirements.

The primary objective of Arxellence 3 is to select concept design ideas for a Research Hub, a living laboratory1 that will become a beacon for developing biodiversity strategies and related innovative approaches in the eastern Mediterranean.

The Competition is open to teams-partnerships with at least one architect from all countries. Architects must be duly licensed to practice architecture in their respective countries to be considered eligible.

Participants may be natural persons, legal entities, or partnerships of individuals. Multidisciplinary teams may participate on condition that they are headed/co-headed by an architect. Participants of any other discipline can participate in any team.

Note 1: 
The Competition is not open to students.

The following persons shall not be allowed to participate in the Competition:

  • Jury members
  • Technical Committee
  • Any person directly or indirectly associated with the Competition Sponsor or the Jury.

Note 2: The person who will upload the proposal must be an architect - duly licensed to practice architecture in their respective countries.

  • Unauthorized use of any design is strictly prohibited without the creator's written permission, regardless of whether it relates to a prize or not.
  • The creator has copyright over the design, and any changes or modifications require prior written consent.
  • By entering the Competition, participants confirm that they are the sole creators of their project and that their design does not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights.

The Sponsors can publicize entries, including plans and visuals, as long as they credit the Creators. Participants can also publicize their own entry, but they must mention the Sponsors. However, Participants are not allowed to publish their entry before the Sponsors and/or Jury officially announce the results. Doing so may lead to disqualification.

The Sponsors have the right to use, store, reproduce, display, and publish all submitted projects without the Participants' consent. The names of creators will be mentioned unless Participants request otherwise. Furthermore, the Sponsors may organize exhibitions and publications of all submitted projects, regardless of whether they are winners or not.

By registering an entry, Participants agree to allow the Sponsors to reproduce and promote the submitted material for the Competition's objectives. All publications will include the winning projects to reflect the Jury's decision. 

If an exhibition takes place, it should include all entries. However, subsequent exhibitions may only display the winning entries.


The Jury

The jury, along with the technical committee and professional advisors, plays a critical role in ensuring that entries meet the criteria set. Furthermore, after examining all the proposals, the jury members will decide which ideas stand out, always in accordance with the ArXellence 3 objective and regulations.

Competition Q&A

Competition Q&A

Arxellence 3 is an international transdisciplinary architectural IDEAS competition organized by ALUMIL and the Non-Profit Civil Company AEGEAS. It seeks a holistic approach for the creation of a Museum and a Sustainable Zero-Emission Research Hub on Gyaros Island, Cyclades, Greece, a place that represents a dark page of Greek history, as political prisoners suffered exile and torture there, punished for their political beliefs. The competition aims to enhance and preserve historical memory and promote sustainable development.

The Competition is open to teams -partnerships with at least one architect from all countries. Eligible architects must be entitled to practice architecture in their respective countries. Participants may be natural persons, legal entities, or partnerships of individuals. Multidisciplinary teams may participate on condition that they are headed/co-headed by an architect. Competitors of any other discipline can participate in any team.

Note: The Competition is not open to students.

The following persons shall not be allowed to participate in the Competition:

  • Jury Members
  • Technical Committee
  • Any person directly or indirectly associated with the Competition Sponsors or the Jury

The prizes for Arxellence 3 are: 1st prize of €40,000, 2nd prize of €20,000, 3rd prize of €10,000, and six honorable mentions
Endorsement & Co-organization
Strategic Partner
Grand Media Sponsors
Media Sponsors
DOPE studio

ALUMIL's Vision

ALUMIL is one of the leading companies in the field of architectural aluminium systems worldwide.​Through its wide product portfolio and in line with the principles of sustainable development, the company seeks to improve the quality of people's lives by enhancing the performance of buildings.

Part of its corporate strategy is to reinforce the dialog within the architectural community on issues concerning the future of construction and sustainable design. ArXellence is an initiative that aims to stimulate discussion on critical issues of our time regarding the quality of the built environment and the principles of sustainability.

AEGEAS’ Purpose

AEGEAS is a non-profit civil company of the Martinos family that has been active in Greece since 2015 and implements actions in fields corresponding to those of the Athanasios and Marina Martinos Foundation. The Foundation adopts programs and creates infrastructures to support society in the fields of Health, Education, Sports, Social Welfare, Religion, and Culture. AEGEAS' support for the ArXellence 3 international architectural competition demonstrates its vision to establish a sustainable future with respect for nature and humans.