ArXellence 2 Exhibition
A special celebration of global architecture, with Thessaloniki’s western waterfront on the spotlight. More than 170 architectural proposals that share the vision of regeneration for the misused western waterfront area.
A special celebration of global architecture, with Thessaloniki’s western waterfront on the spotlight. More than 170 architectural proposals that share the vision of regeneration for the misused western waterfront area.
The opening of the ArXellence 2 Exhibition was a great celebration of architecture, hosting architects, businessmen and representatives of institutions. An extraordinary evening that was welcomed by all and it highlighted the vision of ALUMIL in the best way.
The discussion was coordinated by: Dr. Evangelos Lyroudias
Alumil ConsultantThroughout the Exhibition, the photography competition "Give prominence to the Western Entrance with one Click" was in progress. In essence, it was a big request from ALUMIL, through which urged photography lovers to capture the landscape of the west entrance through their lens, while displaying the area with their own eyes.
As part of the Exhibition, ALUMIL gave the opportunity to those who wished, to take part in thematic tours at the Western Entrance and to get in touch with its long-lasting history.