
ALUMIL: Sustainability Report focusing on people and environment
Recently, ALUMIL published its first annual Sustainability Report,
presenting in detail all activities that are conducted by having in their core the respect for people and environment.
The report, the first one of its kind created by a company of an aluminium extrusion industry in Greece, is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and specifically on its “Standards” edition (In Accordance – Core), which are
the most demanding and internationally recognized guidelines. All activities in which ALUMIL is involved, are completely aligned with the 17 Sustainability Goals of the United Nations, aiming to make the world a better place. The achievement of these objectives, especially those that are connected to the environment and climate change, is more urgent than ever. As experts say, the global decisions and actions taken by the global
community for the next 10 years will affect life on our planet for the 100 – 150 years to come.
The 5 sections of the Sustainability Report include: Effective Corporate Governance, the Key Role of the Employees, the Respect for the Society, Protection of the Environment, and the Holistic Market Service. Each section covers all the subjects that
affect ALUMIL’s sustainable development, while focusing on the shared interest of stakeholders. Through the promotion of prosperity, security, sustainability, and health & progress of the company’s employees, it is ensured that ALUMIL has established
a stable ground, in order to deal with every challenge of this fast and ever-changing world.
Some of the most significant parts of the report are:
Health and Safety at Work
Health and Safety of employees is a strategic priority. Τhe company applies various policies in accordance to international standards and is also conducting frequent on-the-job trainings regarding health & safety measures. ALUMIL’s Administration assures the responsible and secure operation of its facilities, according to the rules of law and ethics. The company’s management system is in line with the international standards BS OHSAS 18001:2007 for Safety and Health at work.
Meritocracy and Equality
In ALUMIL the working environment helps people to be part of the company’s vision, through their professional and personal growth. The recruitment of employees is based exclusively on their capabilities and the value they can bring to the company.
Training of Employees & Partners
Targeting on the continuous development of employees, but also following a philosophy according to which each employee is responsible for effective quality control, the company provides continuous training on various fields of knowledge and expertise.
In addition, through the lifelong learning programs of ALUMIL Academy, valuable know-how is provided to the company’s partners assuring their constant progress.
Circular Economy in action
The Reverse Supply Chain is a process of recovering the residual value of products and materials whose life cycle has reached its end. Basically, it is the implementation of Circular Economy in an industrial context. In ALUMIL, recycling is applied using aluminium scrap and represents almost 50% of the total raw material resources. It is noteworthy that during the recycling process of aluminium, the recovered value reaches 100% of the initial value. Additionally, aluminum retains its original value no matter how many times it has been recycled, which makes it a very environmentally friendly material.
Energy & Water Consumption
To limit the environmental footprint, it is necessary to measure and control the impact of the company's industrial facilities. Thus, both fuel and total energy consumption are recorded, and continuous efforts are made to reduce energy needs. In addition, aluminium recycling saves huge amounts of energy. Moreover, water is a fundamental natural resource, the source of life, which the company wants to keep unaffected by its operation. In 2019 at ALUMIL’s facilities in the industrial area of Kilkis, 47,8% of the water used, was recycled.
Quality at the forefront
ALUMIL’s priority is the creation of top-quality products with high added value and that is why it is constantly developing and improving its quality control procedures. The company’s aim is to fully meet the needs of its customers worldwide, and thus it implements international production management and quality control systems. Furthermore, all architectural systems of ALUMIL are certified by world-renowned institutes.
The President and CEO of ALUMIL, Mr. Georgios Milonas, mentions in the introduction of the Sustainability Report: “Having already taken important steps, our company will continue to work hard for a sustainable future with the goal to always be a model-company in the industry. ALUMIL is an integral part of society and will act responsibly, take initiatives, and pursue innovation in paving the way for better buildings, a higher standard of living and an environment that will allow future generations to be happy”.