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For Apartments

Jan 11, 2023, 12:50 PM
Title : For Apartments
Sort order : 2
ALUMIL’s wide product range can meet the requirements of an apartment. Whether you are looking for high performance or you are focusing on functionality, you will undoubtedly find a system that covers your needs. At the same time, the variety of typologies offers you flexibility, regardless of the size of your apartment.
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Corporate Social Responsibility

We protect the environment


Investment of €4.6 million for the construction of a state-of-the-art aluminium scrap treatment and selection plant.

We train our people


+73% increase in training hours for our employees

We support the local economy


50% of the company's suppliers are sourced in the local market

We reinforce the industry


1200 hours of trainings by ALUMIL Academy in courses for newcomers in the industry.

Sustainable development & Social Contribution

Our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy plays a crucial role in our activities. We look beyond, envisioning a world of sustainability, with respect for nature along with better living and working conditions for the people.