Whether you’re transforming your business or implementing our solution to a specific business problem, AlumilCal is offering all the services and support to help you grow. We know that you’re making an investment when you buy AlumilCal and we’re here to ensure that your investment pays off quickly. Technical Support is available once a AlumilCal® installation has been completed to all customers that have a valid support contract.

Customer Support
Our team is here with any help you may need
We offer
- Training
- Phone and Email Support
- Remote support via AnyDesk or TeamViewer
By requesting remote support for execution of software AlumilCAL (hereinafter referred to as “session”) from an Alumil - AlumilCAL representative (hereinafter referred to as “technical consultant”), you accept the offer and the present ALUMIL's Disclaimer.
The session is only available during our business days and hours and upon prior communication. For the execution of the session:
The technical consultant will first request to access your computer. ALUMIL does not assume and is not responsible
for any liability for the linking and viewing any desktop content or system performance.
The technical consultants use Anydesk to connect with your computer remotely. The performance of the session via Anydesk is considered to be safe. The session
will be recorded as proof of its provision and for security reasons. The record is encrypted and can be accessed only through the Anydesk software. The records are kept on our server for a period of three (3) months and can be requested by you at
any time.
There is no processing of personal data.
It is noted that the session's performance via Anydesk remains in compliance with GDPR and the respective national legislation. For security and privacy purposes, ALUMIL recommends that
you exit any running applications connected with confidential information before the technical consultant initiates a remote support session remain seated at their desktop throughout the entire remote session.
ALUMIL does not assume any liability
for faults in your files and data loss if any occurred during or after a remote session.
ALUMIL assures you that our employees are suitably trained and adhere to non-disclosure and due diligence obligations. The technical consultants will not
copy any file or program installed on your computer without your prior consent unless necessary to execute and support AlumilCAL. Even in this case, you shall be prior informed. Moreover, our technical consultants are the sole ones responsible for
the execution of the session. In some cases, however, additional assistance from Orgadata AG Support might be requested. ALUMIL assures you that no personal data will be shared with Orgadata AG, other than those initially shared for the software activation.
Regardless of the execution and support for AlumilCAL, ALUMIL highly recommends that you retain a backup of your files and data regularly.
Technical support is available from
Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm. (EST)