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DOC – Temporary Floating House


Lime Studio was designing DOC taking into consideration two main needs, the creation of a multifunctional house located in a very extraordinary place. And this is done! DOC is a compact house of low environmental impact which …”is placed” at a unique location: the distributary channel Borcea in Romania. 


The location and the desire of a new type of dwelling - a floating, multifunctional, mobile house - imposed special and complex constructive conditions. The high-water level variations of the river due to seasonal changes as well as budget conditioning have resulted in constructing a trailer like platform that can be relocated. The house is responding to seasonal changes and changes with them. Simple and minimal design is caused by its mobility. Compact and with a simple, rectangular plan, the space gets a spectacular feel through the manner it integrates with the location, complimenting it. The view is amazing and the images coming everyday through the wide windows and patio are really impressive. Although very open, it fully provides privacy from the exterior to the interior, offering an unobstructed view to the city through its positioning. Its multifunctionality of temporary housing and meeting point for water sports lovers opens up new perspectives and exploration angles for a forgotten and undiscovered area - the Danube river and the Calarasi area. The building process began taking into consideration an idea, the unique location and a community who loves being into water by totally harnessing an abandoned pontoon that has been adapted to the current needs.


Architects: Lime Studio 

Project identity

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