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Built on the latest technology and supported by many years of experience, AlumilCal® is one of the most advanced software in the window and door industry today.

processing and design

Processing & Design

AlumilCal® is a software tool designed to work with architectural system databases. Every profile, hardware & accessory that ALUMIL supplies is added to the database and DXF/DWG drawings can eventually be associated to them. This means that when you build positions in AlumilCal®, you are building production data at the same time.

AlumilCal® is a software tool designed to work with architectural system databases. Every profile, hardware & accessory that the system partners supply is added to the database and where necessary has DXF/DWG drawings associated to them. This means that when you build positions in AlumilCal® you are building production data at the same time.

Wall connection designs can be added that can give detailed cross sectional information along with detailed material requirements for complex Cill designs and EPDM wall details.

Dummy mullions and transoms can be inserted horizontally, vertically and slanted at any angle. The program automatically suggests practical connection variants.

U–Value information can be given on profile combinations as you design your position. Adding your glass & panel data can then give you complete U-Value data for your positions.

Window & door hardware can be selected from drop down menus allowing an easy step-by-step configuration. Predefined or customized hardware packages make inputting very quickly. Hardware packages enable you to allocate all required hardware items to a position at the push of a button.

Profile splice and Mullion splicing can be created to give you the accurate material requirements and optimized cutting lists. AlumilCal® can build wastage factors into projects for accurate pricing for cut and full bars utilization.

As you can see from the brief description of some of the features in AlumilCal®, when you have created your detailed positions, you can access accurate estimating reports. These reports can be used to find then your true cost pricing for projects.

There are a host of additional options which allow you to add your own materials to your position designs including labor rates and installation costs.

AlumilCal® holds all the retail pricing for the architectural system databases and allows you to build in your discount groups. You can also build different estimation types for your clients to finally utilize the quotation reports in order to create quotations and drawings.

Structural Analysis

You can use the structural analysis module to adapt the parameters for a static calculation to existing conditions as specified by the standard EN 1991-1-4. Many countries' standards are already provided in AlumilCal®. Wind loads can be entered manually or calculated automatically. Depending on country specific standards, you can choose between different wind zones with their associated terrain categories.

Beam Statics
Based on bar statics, you can calculate the moment of inertia (lx) for each individual mullion and transom. Vertically installed windows, doors and curtain walling elements are considered under horizontal loads (wind).

For doors and windows, both mullions and transoms are entered as single-span beams. For curtain walling mullions, the number of spans and their width is arbitrary on the other hand, so they are defined by entering intermediate supports.

Glass Statics
All typical glass types, such as float glass, cast glass, tempered glass, annealed glass and laminated glass can be selected during input.

The wind load can be used to calculate the tensions and bending of each pane of glass. The resulting values are compared with the requirements of the technical regulations for the use of linearly laminated glazing. The climatic load that occurs in insulating glazing due to seasonal pressure differences is taken into consideration. The deflection limits are specified by your glass supplier and can be entered directly into the static limit values.

structural analysis
Reports & Printouts

Reports & Printouts

AlumilCal® has a wide range of standard reports and printouts; the layout and information shown on these printouts can be customized using the printout settings with each report. You can decide what information is displayed on the printouts and determine for example whether to view whole jobs, phases or only selected positions. You can also combine positions from different jobs and summarize these on a single printout.

Depending on the printouts, you are able to edit these either in the AlumilCal® embedded word processor or directly in Microsoft Word or Excel. AlumilCal® can interface directly with Microsoft Office making switching from one program to another automatic. The rtf-format is used to transfer to other word processors.

Learn more about some of the individual printouts in AlumilCal® below.

Based on your inputs, your stated purchasing conditions and supplier price information saved in the database, AlumilCal® will calculate the purchasing costs of your project. With the aid of the entered overhead expenses and labor costs, the complete production costs are calculated and presented clearly. The estimation considers the supplier, the material and the country specific specialties like e.g. profile price calculation per length unit, per weight or per area, color calculation per perimeter, per boundary box or per profile weight, glass price calculation per project or list prices, per area or graduated under consideration of price steps (e.g. 3-cm-steps) and mark ups, e.g. for transport. You can also determine whether whole profiles or single shells are estimated. Surcharges for wastage can either be defined by you or calculated automatically by AlumilCal® .

All elements within a project in AlumilCal® are displayed at a glance on the position drawing. Information regarding the profile color, profile system and glass can also be shown on this printout.

Material Analysis
The actual material requirements are compared with the purchase order quantities of your project in a clear way. Thus, it is possible to recognize the material purchasing prices instantly and to find the starting-point for profile optimizations quickly.

U Value Report
The U values, which are calculated automatically during the input of an element, are presented clearly and comprehensively in the U value report. Even for complex geometric constructions, you receive correctly calculated U values.

Assembly List
The production documents are sorted by position and broken down into base elements and insertions. Additional parts and accessories can be optionally displayed or blanked out. The program shows curtain walls and their inserts on separate pages.

Cross Sections

All profiles in AlumilCal® have CAD drawings assigned to them, which means that, when you build your glazing position, each CAD drawing is “hooked” together to form complete cross sections. From the ""Element"" area, you can view cross sections.

Depending on the systems used, you can view profile, gasket, glass and even hardware such as handles and hinges. As standard, all users can view cross sections and print them off.

As an alternative option, you can export cross sections to AlumilCal® CAD or export the cross sections to AutoCAD or save them as DXF/DWG files. The export of bitmap and vector formats such as BMP, JPG and EMF is also possible.

Cross Sections
Bar Optimisation

Bar Optimisation

Profiles can be optimized to full bar lengths in such a way that the smallest possible wastage is obtained.

The optimization reports show graphics of the orientation of the profile on the saw and the order of the individual lengths to be cut.

Residual lengths can also be used from stock in the optimization calculations.

The program calculates the most optimal fixed lengths. Different length ranges can be set to different fixed lengths so that multiple fixed lengths per profile are possible.

Every profile is assigned a barcode that can be printed on adhesive labels. Rolled or unrolled profiles can be optimized and the reports can shows unrolled profiles separated into inner, outer skins and isolators.

Free optimisation
You can enter independently calculated cut lengths. These cut lengths can be related to profiles in the database or simply freely defined with bar lengths and profile dimensions.

2D Optimisation

Rectangular sheet metal areas can be optimized on different sheet metal sizes.

AlumilCal® considers whether the areas can be rotated due to their surface texture and if the cuts can be performed by so-called guillotine cuts.

The evaluation states the quantity of required sheet metal plates, wastage per plate and total wastage. The selected sheet metal sizes may be altered in order to reduce the amount of wastage.

2D Optimisation
Position Libraries

Position Libraries

System Libraries
Alumilcal implements a “System Library”, which means predesigned styles have been made up for the user to import into projects.

In a sense, this allows style/size processing. AlumilCal® has ready shutter and fly screen main typologies pre designed in the system library so you could import these styles from the LogiKal system database and add the sizing and colour you require. The position in the style library will have already been created with all profiles, hardware & accessories selected for you. Once imported you can edit the position in the usual manner or save it and start creating estimations and other reports.

User Libraries
User libraries are similar to system libraries but these are user created and controlled. Whether it is creating standard energy rating styles of windows for users to select and size up or maybe various design options for bi-folding doors to quickly drop into projects.

The user can create easy to navigate folders and each user styles can be added for all users to access.

Window and Door Insertion library positions for curtain walling and shopfront systems can be created as well.

User Database

AlumilCal® gives the user the possibility to enter items in a user database. For example, customized fittings can be summarized in hardware packages. The program allows you to combine accessories of different suppliers. You can also create glass unit lists yourself. The price of standard and textured glass is either considered per unit or by a markup on glass unit lists. Program and database updates have no effect on user entries in the user database.

Card Suite 2D
Constructions with CAD

CAD-Suite 2D

AlumilCal® is equipped with an internal CAD module, which stands out due to its easy and user-friendly handling. The clear arrangement of all relevant functions makes AlumilCal® CAD match the requirements of architectural profile constructions.

Construction foils, sheet metals, insulations, guidelines etc. can be drawn easily and quickly in AlumilCal® CAD. Drawing objects can be selected and edited anytime. Automatically assigned labels alter dynamically.

Commonly used drawings can be organized in blocks. Changes are performed in the block management and automatically updated in all areas of the drawing. Drawing objects can be placed on different layers.

DWG and DXF files can be imported smoothly into AlumilCal® CAD. As a matter of course, existing AlumilCal® drawings can be saved as DWG and DXF files. BMP, JPEG, EMF, PS and ZIP formats.

It is also possible to access external CAD programs like e.g. AutoCAD by an interface.

In addition to all basic drawing functions, AlumilCal® CAD provides very special functions. For example, if you generate cross section drawings of profile combinations including glass, a wizard will support the input of all essential details. E.g. profile system, glazing bead variant, inserts, glass thickness, base elements and insertion profiles.

A wizard easily and quickly creates sections of curtain wall profile configurations. Among the system and the profiles, you are also able to select the type and the angle of a folding profile.

A standard item generator allows you to draw screws, steel beams and timber profiles quickly. Cross sections of individual positions are imported into CAD from the cross section module.

Job plans and assembly lists can be displayed as drawings too. You can also determine by the aid of well-arranged dialogues which information is shown on the drawing.