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Diamonds of Greek Economy: ALUMIL among the top companies of the country

ALUMIL’s “building excellence every day” motto is well known and respected in its industry. Recently, this “pursuit” of excellence was recognized by an established institution called “Diamonds of Greek Economy” and the company was invited to its annual forum regarding corporate innovation and growth.

The event that is held every year aims to highlight the most admired, powerful and active enterprises in Greece. The companies that are honored are evaluated about their economic growth, their investments and profitability , the policy they follow in the human resources department and their social responsibility actions.

ALUMIL, despite the huge global challenge of coronavirus pandemic, had an impressive year with plenty of high points and successful moments. One of the proudest moments of 2020 was the conclusion of ArXellence 2, the international architectural ideas competition that was inspired, organized and curated by ALUMIL. In this year’s competition 173 final projects were submitted, while 6 prizes and 4 honorable mentions were awarded among the architectural proposals. Another special highlight of the previous year was the launch of the first private school about aluminium field in Greece. ALUMIL, as a leading company in aluminium industry, keeps raising the bar of quality and innovation. For that purpose, ALUMIL Academy, a school dedicated to aluminium industry, was created. The Academy educates young people that want to enter the field and also provides customized training to the wide network of the company’s partners.

In addition to the above successful initiatives, 2020 was a year of impressive building projects in which ALUMIL participated with its advanced architectural aluminium systems. From the award-winning Vancouver House and the ambitious urban revitalization project Belgrade Waterfront to the spectacular Da Vinci complex in Tel-Aviv and the magnificent Orbi Towers in Batumi, ALUMIL’s systems “travelled” throughout the world and provided high performance and unparalleled aesthetics to some of the most iconic constructions. Finally, the company was named as one of “The Most Sustainable Companies in Greece for 2020”. This honor came in respect of ALUMIL’s consistency in sustainable corporate practices and the principles of circular economy that it applies as an organization. It is worth mentioning that ALUMIL is the only production company of architectural aluminium systems that received such an honor.

ALUMIL’s recognition and inclusion in “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2021” forum reinforces the ambition to overcome every obstacle and reach for the sky, with high quality products, strong international presence and sustainable corporate culture.

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