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European Week for Waste Reduction: 6 ALUMIL initiatives for sustainable resource and waste management.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. This is the motto of the European Week for Waste Reduction, an annual European initiative that encourages companies operating in Europe to take sustainable resource and waste management actions for the week of 19-27 November, based on the ideas of waste reduction, product reuse and recycling.
At ALUMIL, environmental protection is a key priority, as our business strategy is rooted in the values of sustainability and circular economy, with a vision to ensure a better future for younger generations. In this context, we fully comply with the Greek Environmental Legislation and are undertaking more and more sustainable resource and waste management initiatives to drastically reduce our energy footprint. By implementing a certified Environmental Management System in our most important production processes (extrusion, electrostatic painting, sublimation, and production of thermally insulated profiles), we ensure the harmonious coexistence of our activities with the natural environment by identifying, evaluating and addressing environmental issues in order to continuously improve our environmental performance.
On the occasion of the European Week for Waste Reduction, we have compiled our most important actions for the sustainable management of our resources and waste:

  1. The operation of the new aluminium scrap sorting and processing unit in Kilkis has had multiple environmental benefits, as we have managed to increase the recycled aluminium contained in the produced billets of our foundry by 63%, resulting in 75% of our annual production being based on recycled aluminium.  

  2. We proceeded to purchase 10,000 MWh of electricity from renewable energy sources and completed the installation of photovoltaic panels at our headquarters in Efkarpia, reducing our carbon footprint by 35 tons per year.  

  3. We replaced 1000 lamps in our premises with less energy-consuming ones, saving 45,360 KWh per year.   

  4. We upgraded the machinery in two departments of our production facilities in Kilkis (Powder Coating Unit & Cutting Works Department), reducing energy consumption by 11.96% and 11.58%, respectively.   

  5. We emphasize the proper management of water by recycling 35% of the amount we use. 

  6. We increase the amount of recyclable raw materials by drastically reducing our non-recyclable waste.

The European Week for Waste Reduction is an opportunity to reflect, both individually and collectively, on our responsibility towards the environment and to take action to protect it. Not just for one week but through continuous and systematic efforts capable of securing the future of our planet, the future of all of us.

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