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Fast & Accurate Measurement

Smart Gate

Fast & Accurate Measurement
Alumil’s new product protects any crowdy place, social gathering and event places by performing very fast (1 measurement/sec), accurate (± 0,2oC) and contactless temperature measurements of people, in order to prevent from any probable contagion due to a viral infection.

Smart Gate measures quickly, contactless, and with high-accuracy the body temperature of people entering a space and moreover, without any radiation emission and in total respect of their personal data. Thanks to the measurement speed, it avoids any crowding at the entrance and that makes it ideal for workplaces (shops, companies, offices, organizations, etc.), entertainment venues (shopping malls, cafes, restaurants, stadiums, etc.), public transport (metro and train stations, ports, airports, etc.) and any other crowded space.

The measurement accuracy is 0,2°C caused by the hundreds of simultaneous measurements that come from the 18 sensors of the system. Smart Gate's innovation is hidden in its ability to receive in real-time the infrared radiation emitted by the human body and through an algorithm shows the maximum temperature without being affected by the ambient temperature.

In addition to that, it has the ability to count the crossings of people entering or leaving the place in order to better monitor the traffic.

Supermarket aisle with people walking with shopping carts


  • An immediate measurement that allows people to pass fastly and continuously (60 persons per minute). 
  • High measurement accuracy +/- 0,2°C thanks to the autocalibration of the device with ambient temperature.
  • Hundreds of measurements per person for safer result
  • The device doesn't emit radiation. It passively receives the infrared radiation emitted by the human body, without any physical contact. 
  • High-definition and precision temperature detectors of 18 points into a vertical arrangement. 
  • Download and easily read the measurements without requiring any initial settings. 
  • Ease of installation and movable into space. 
  • Excellent quality and durability for intense long-term use. 
  • Low-cost.

Technical Specifications

  • Contactless measurement with sound and visual alarm 
  • Measurement accuracy +/- 0,2°C 
  • Measuring range up to 1m distance between the person and the product 
  • Low power consumption (<5 Watt) 
  • Ability to export data to PC via RS232
  • Autocalibration for an independent result from the ambient temperature
  • Smart Gate of 2,00m height: Measures people from 1,35m – 2,00m height (Ideal for grown-ups and children over 12 years old)
  • Smart Gate of 1,60m height: Measures people from 0,95m – 1,60m height (Ideal for children of 3 to 12 years old
Hot Gate Πλακέτα

In Comparison with Other Products

FeaturesSmart GateThermal CameraDigital Thermometer
Automatic Measurement-
Personal Data Privacy-
Measurement of Pedestrians Crossings--
Autocalibration with Ambient Temperature
Measuring points / sec
Measurement Accuracy
± 0,2 °C± 0,5 °C± 2 °C

Measurement Distance for
Maximum Accuracy

Measuring Time
1 sec
1 sec3 secs

Contact us

Looking for more information or want to order our Smart Gate? Submit your information and an ALUMIL representative will follow up with you as soon as possible.