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ArXellence 2 | Online Awards Ceremony

The online Awards Ceremony will take place on February 23rd, 2021. The awards ceremony is a key element to the overall success of the "Arxellence 2" competition, since it provides the opportunity to the audience to meet the teams behind such interesting projects, in order to understand their vision. This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the awards ceremony of “ArXellence 2” will be held online.

Our company decided to use this online format as a vehicle for the awarded architects to present their work. Thus, the 10 teams that stood out will have the chance to speak about their projects and analyze the challenges they faced throughout this creative process. Also, the members of the Jury will make a comment for every proposal, summarizing the spirit behind the decision to award the corresponding proposals.

ALUMIL, being grateful to all participants for their remarkable efforts and ideas submitted, intents to organize an exhibition as well as a publication for all proposals in the upcoming summer.

You can register here to join the event.

You can download the full program bellow.

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