
2nd Sustainability Report: Progress and sustainability at the forefront
2020, a difficult year and full of challenges at a global level, was for ALUMIL a milestone in terms of revealing the Group's activities regarding the environment, corporate governance, human resources and social responsibility. This came as a result of the 2020’s official Sustainability Report that was published for the first time, concerning the actions of ALUMIL for 2019. This year, continuing on the same path and with even more passion, the 2nd Report was published, further enhancing the green and sustainable strategy of the company.
Environment is life
At ALUMIL, the environment and its protection has never been at the back of the annual agenda but is always at the core of planning. This year's Sustainability Report clearly reflects the company's culture and underlines its vision for the future.
Some facts to consider:
- Honorary distinction and entry in the list of the 25 top Greek companies that follow the principles of Sustainable Development and the Circular Economy.
- Financing of the anti-pollution boat "Alkippi" for the collection of plastic and non-plastic objects and cleaning the sea of Thermaic gulf from phytoplankton.
- 4.6 million euros investment for the new aluminium scrap separation unit in the company's facilities, in the Industrial Area of Kilkis, Greece.
- Installation of 218 solar panels at the company's headquarters in Thessaloniki.
- Use of recycled aluminium in production, at a rate of 67%.
- Creation of the ALUMIL Green Ambassadors team, to promote green practices and raise awareness of colleagues and fellow citizens around environmental issues, through actions and initiatives.
- Sustainable use and management of water in production activities.
- ISO 50001 certification for the Energy Management System by the certification body TÜV Hellas.
People: the main priority
The human element is at the core of ALUMIL's activities and the definite goal of the company is to improve the quality of people’s lives. Whether they are employees or people living in countries where the company operates, the anthropocentric culture of ALUMIL leads the organization to every new initiative.
Some actions of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Donation of face shields to public hospitals of Greece for protection against COVID-19.
- Donation for the purchase of the necessary equipment (protective helmets, banners) to the team "Runners of Hope".
- Financial contribution to the Hellenic Children's Village in Filiro, Greece.
- ArXellence 2 - The spectacular architectural ideas competition organized by ALUMIL, with the support of the International Union of Architects (UIA), for the redesign of the misused western waterfront of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Improving the daily life of employees
- ALUMIL in 2020 increased the number of women in the company by 33% compared to 2019.
- Group Private Life & Health Insurance for all of the company’s employees.
- Vocational guidance workshops for employees' children.
- Online fitness classes.
- Training & educational programs in various fields.
- Safe workplace environment, with all the necessary health protocols against the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Option of remote working.
Pioneering in the Market, opening new roads for the Field
Innovative ideas and pioneering moves are in the “DNA” of ALUMIL. 2020 was a year with many activities that underlined the Group's desire to enter the new decade in a strong position.
Leading in the Market & the Industry
- Collaborations with local suppliers - In 2020 the company cooperated with 1000 suppliers, 50% of them from Greece.
- Advanced international Logistics center.
- Alumilia Loyalty Program - The reward program started in 2020, for the entire network of our dealers and manufacturers in Greece and completed its cycle with rich gifts and 2 Mercedes A-Class to the two big winners of the draw.
Top Research & Development
- ALUMIL’s high-quality aluminium systems have been designed and developed by the innovative Research & Development department and have been certified by internationally recognized institutes and certification laboratories, such as ift Rosenheim (Germany), A.A.M.A. (USA), Istituto Giordano (Italy), etc.
- State-of-the-art equipment (3D printers, CNC machines, etc.).
- Quality control of the company's systems at the advanced Testing Center in Kilkis, Greece.
ALUMIL Academy: A dream that came true
In 2020, a great aspiration of ALUMIL and its people became a reality: ALUMIL Academy, the pioneer private school for the aluminum industry, was launched. The school provides annual study programs for newcomers in the industry, as well as specialized technical training programs for manufacturers. Also, the Academy includes Business Consulting in the services it offers.
The goals for 2021
The previous year was admittedly a demanding one. The outbreak of the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic brought many changes and forced companies to redefine their strategies. At ALUMIL, the adjustment was immediate and led the company to a highly successful and "green" year, as reflected in the 2nd Sustainability Report of the Group.
The goals for 2021 are focused on the expansion of green initiatives, both in production and in administrative facilities, in new actions that will contribute to the empowerment of social groups that need it the most, in the development of new innovative products that will make the daily life of our customers easier and in maintaining and enhancing the friendly and safe working space and environment for our employees.