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Anodizing is an electrochemical process in which aluminum is actively involved, making it difficult to compare with the rest of available surface treatments.

What is anodizing and why to choose it?

During this process a thin layer of aluminum oxide is created and fully integrated on the outer surface of the profiles, offering remarkable attributes to aluminum profiles such as:

  • Aesthetics: Unique aesthetics that highlight the metallic nature of aluminum
  • Color Stability: long lasting color preservation, as anodized surfaces have very high lightfastness and total UV resistance and are merely affected by environments conditions
  • Durability: both during fabrication, handling, installation and use
    • unparalleled endurance in corrosion, rendered ideal for use in strained environments, such as coastal areas, environment with high pollutants etc.
    • resistance to abruption, since anodizing color is integrated inside the aluminum and is not just a layer on top of it
    • resistance to scratches, as anodizing process creates a rough ceramic coating on aluminum surface
  • Ease of Maintenance: Due to the all the aforementioned durability attributes of anodized profiles, the required maintenance is minimum. Simple rinsing or mild soap and water cleaning will restore an anodized surface to its original appearance, while mild abrasive cleaners can be used for more difficult deposits.
  • Health and Safety: An anodized product is chemically stable, will not decompose, is non-toxic and fully recyclable.

Certified Quality

Anodizing is a process of strict precision and high standards, therefore not any applicator can deliver high quality and service. In this respect, Alumil ensures to adopt and implement only the best procedures and practices available, so as to conform to all environmental and safety policies and respect its customers and employees.

Alumil is certified by Qualanod since 2009 from the Aluminium Association of Greece (A.A.G.) and operates a quality, environmental and safety system which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2008. Lastly, as a pioneer in development and production of aluminum architectural systems, Alumil was among the first to invest in anodizing and has now an experience of over a decade on its shoulders.


What options are available? Alumil Anodizing Color Guide

Alumil, being well aware of the modern architectural trends has created an unmatched pallet of anodizing colors for exterior and interior architectural applications. Anodizing finishes are formed out of two options: a) color and b) texture, forming a total of twenty-seven (27) different options.

  • As regards colors, Alumil offers two distinct pallets, Classical and INOX pallet, consisting of nine (9) options.
    Classical Pallet: Natural, Light Bronze, Bronze, Brown, Black, Dune
    Inox Pallet: Silver, Sand, Honey
    Classical pallet consists of the most popular colors in the market, while the INOX pallet is Alumil’s flagship, providing the most elegant colors that highlight the quality and aesthetics of its systems.
  • Following the color pallets, there are also three (3) mechanical treatment options that define the texture of the aluminum profile. Sandblasting that provides a slick mat effect and two versions of brushing, soft and rough, that highlight the linear nature of aluminum profiles

As anodized aluminum is a reflective surface, its coloring output may differ in different lighting conditions. Therefore, the digital representation of our anodizing color guide is indicative.

It is strongly recommended to visit one of our networks’ showrooms, in order to attain the proper perception of the numerous anodization solutions we offer.