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ΑLUMIL People: Our People, Our Strength

The exceptional operation of our company is thanks to its people. We sharpen the knowledge and skills of our employees and provide a friendly working environment.

Our people offer their knowledge and passion (meraki) for what they do, and they are part of the big ALUMIL family. We always operate in a meritocratic way, without any form of discrimination, while we seek for their continuous development and make sure that we create conditions in which they can develop both personally and professionally.

74% increase of women in 2021

We increased by 74% the number of women in the company in 2021, providing equal opportunities regardless of gender.

24% increase of educational programs

We increased by 24% the number of educational programs in order to sharpen the skills of our employees.

Digitalization of 10 internal processes

We have digitalized 10 of our internal processes, improving the company’s internal communication.

Our Actions

We participate in initiatives that focus on circular economy

We participate in initiatives that focus on circular economy

Alumil participates in RecAL, an innovative project under the Horizon Europe program that focuses on developing advanced recycling and digital technologies to foster a circular aluminum economy.

Στο expand: For more information you can visit the link

Protecting the environment through volunteering

Protecting the environment through volunteering

Since 2020, the initiatives and actions undertaken by the employees’ voluntary group called Alumil Green Ambassadors, aiming to protect the environment are fully aligned with the company’s strategy for the adoption of sustainable practices.
We invest in renewable energy sources

We invest in renewable energy sources

Through an innovative solar carport, which combines the functionality of a protected outdoor parking space with the production of renewable energy, we have created an innovative carport at our premises in Efkarpia. 115 parking spaces provide the capability to produce up to 220 KW of energy.

Read about our in-house actions

Plastic pollution: Let's be part of the solution.

Following our article on the changes taking place in the Arctic, their consequences around the world and the ways we can contribute to tackling the climate crisis, we continue our efforts to raise awareness of the most critical environmental challenges of our time, focusing on plastic pollution.  


Did you know that? 


Production of the first synthetic plastic, Bakelite, began in 1907, marking the start of the global plastics industry, which after 1950, began to proliferate, with annual plastics production in 2019 reaching 460 million tonnes.  


What is plastic pollution?


By plastic pollution, we mean the presence of plastic litter in the environment, which has severe impacts on wildlife, ecosystems and human health: On the one hand, plastics can remain in the environment for hundreds of years, releasing toxic chemicals into the soil and water, and on the other hand, they are transferred to the human body through the food chain, resulting in each of us inadvertently consuming 5 grams of microplastics per week.


Plastic pollution in the sea .


Every year, 8 million Tonnes of plastics leak into the oceans, 11.000 of which are estimated to end up in the Greek seas. Mainly plastic bags are a modern environmental scourge: Of the 1 trillion produced annually, only 1% is recycled, with the remaining 99% ending up in the soil and the ocean. Plastic bags are responsible for the death of 100,000 marine animal species every year, such as sea turtles that mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and, in their attempt to eat them, drown.  


Can we be part of the solution? 


Of course, we can. By changing our daily habits, reducing the use of plastics and increasing recycling. More specifically, we can: 

  • Minimise single-use plastics such as water bottles, coffee cups, straws, bags, plates and cutlery, choosing reusable alternatives made from environmentally friendly materials.  

  • Learn to recycle plastic waste properly, helping to increase the global recycling rate.  
  • Support initiatives to reduce plastics by participating, for example, in voluntary beach and/or seabed cleanups.  

  • Inform our communities about the impact of plastic pollution and encourage our relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances to reduce the use of plastic in their daily lives.  


What we do at ALUMIL 


At ALUMIL, we choose to be part of the solution.

  • First and foremost, we strictly follow the environmental legislation of the countries in which we operate. Moreover, we have been implementing a certified environmental management system according to the EN ISO 14001 standard since 2002, ensuring the harmonious coexistence of our activities with the natural environment. 
  • We are drastically reducing the use of plastic throughout our supply chain. 
  • We sponsor and actively participate in initiatives to reduce marine pollution. 

In cooperation with environmental organisations, we participate in green actions with an impact on local communities, such as the recent park cleanup in eastern Thessaloniki, carried out in early March by members of our volunteer team Green Ambassadors and Alumilers from Thessaloniki and Kilkis. Read more about this action here.   

  • We use recycling bins at our offices in Thessaloniki and Kilkis, and we systematically organise awareness campaigns for our people on the importance of reducing the use and increasing the recycling of plastic. Do you want to know more about recycling at ALUMIL? Read a relevant article here

What is worth remembering is that every action counts. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can make a significant contribution to reducing plastic pollution.  

Do you want to be part of the solution or part of the problem? The choice is yours! 

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