Technical News
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May 2023
- Corners 113-19-262-00 and 125-23-266-00 have been removed from the frame M958
- Alignment corner 1807715500 (stainless steel) has been replaced by 1807715501 (aluminium)
- The same for alignment corner 1807701100 (stainless steel) that has been replaced by 1807701101 (aluminium).
- The design of the Profile S77953 has been changed for easier installation
- Alignment corner 1807715500 (stainless steel) has been replaced by 1807715501 (aluminium)
- The same for alignment corner 1807701100 (stainless steQDel) that has been replaced by 1807701101 (aluminium)
- Profile cuttings for the frame width bottom S85000 and the Frame width top S85005 in the 3+3 corner typology outward opening No17.
- Widths and heighs of the glazing have been added on all typologies
April 2023
- The chapters of profiles and accessories have been updated
- In typology 3c Single sash INNER lift & slide with fixed panes we use flush handle 380004223ΧΧ. The flush handle has been added on the chapter of accessories
- Dimensional limitation for sash S35013-adjoining profile S360-reinforcement M4579-sash S35013
- Alignment corner 180-77-011-01 corrected into 180-77-155-01 for the hidden sashes Μ19755 and Μ19752 in European Groove Hardware Typologies
- Rotation pin for motorized louvre code 7200560003 has been added on catalogue. It is now available in both white and black color. It is no more metallic, in order to avoid noise produced due to wind pressure.
- Insulation profile 765-13-850-20 replaced by 765-13-850-30 due to optimal insulating material.
- Rolling shutter slat 303033 has been added on the chapter of profiles and also its end cap 765-30-303-30 added on the chapter of accessories.
- Roller shutter railing channel profile M1036 has been added on the chapter of profiles.
- Additional profile 303031 replaced by 303035 for optimal application during the installation.
- Precompressed sealing tapes 70-54-102-00, 770-35-510-00 & 770-35-715-00 have been added on the chapter of accessories.
March 2023
- Profiles M8230 (Base profile) and M8231 (Handrail for glazing thickness 10+10) have been added on profiles chapter.
- Accessory code 8305368600 (base profile screw) has been added on the chapter of accessories.
- Glazings for the sash M19674 have been corrected.
- Transom-mullion cleats have been added on the T-Profile M19874.
- 660-01-560-00 Central seal has been replaced by 240-04-507-00 (top central seal), 240-04-508-00 (top central seal with narrow interlocking profile) και 240-014-52-00 (bottom central seal).
- 311-00-539-00 Pair of connector gasket for S539 has been added on 3b & 3c typologies (Single sashes INNER lift & slide with fixed panes).
- Top central seal 2400450600 replaced by 2400450700 and 2400450800 (for narrow interlocking profile).
- Chapters of profiles and accessories have been updated.
- 2400053910 (left) και 2400053900 (right) Pair of connector gasket for S539 have been added on FLS3 typology (Fixed - Lift & Slide Window - Fixed).
- Cuttings have been corrected in FLS3 typology
- Top central seal 2400450600 replaced by 2400450700 and 2400450800 (for narrow interlocking profile).
- Chapters of profiles and accessories have been updated.
- 2400053910 (left) και 2400053900 (right) Pair of connector gasket for S539 have been added on FLS3 typology (Fixed - Lift & Slide Window - Fixed).
- Cuttings have been corrected in FLS3 typology
- Top central seal 2400450600 replaced by 2400450700 and 2400450800 (for narrow interlocking profile) and 2400450500 replaced by 2400450700.
- Chapters of profiles and accessories have been updated.
- Top central seal 2400450600 replaced by 2400450700 and 2400450800 (for narrow interlocking profile) and 2400450500 replaced by 2400450700.
- Chapters of profiles and accessories have been updated.
- External flap valve SV-E Type code 660-44-088-03 has been added on the chapter of accessories and also in the drainage on the chapter of general milling-tooling operations
- Bottom track protection after installation has been added on the frame machinings chapter
February 2023
- One component fast setting adhesive (for glass pane secondary sealing with silicone) code 770-09-398-03 has been added on glazing assembly