Technical News
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August 2024
- Certification M8202 has been added, Glazing: 8+8mm, Height: 1,3m, ApB DIN 18008-4:2013-07 IFT ROSENHEIM
- Certification M8230 has been added, Glazing: 8+8mm, Height: 1,2m, ApB DIN 18008-4:2013-07 IFT ROSENHEIM
- Certification M8230 has been added, Glazing: 10+10mm, Height: 1,3m, ApB DIN 18008-4:2013-07 IFT ROSENHEIM
- Gaskets for frame coupling 2506751003 & 2506751103 have been added on the Accessories chapter
- Gaskets for frame coupling 2506751003 & 2506751103 have been added on the Assembly for Accessories and Accessories chapters
July 2024
- Roller hinge catcher code 3106510600, drainage cap code 3106514100 and intermediate retainer code 4246510500 have been added on typologies, general milling-tooling operations and on the chapter of accessories
- Pair of roller sealing flanges code 310-85-010-03 has been added on all even typologies
- Glazing bridge 20mm code 720-35-006-00 and glazing bridge 46mm code 720-35-007-00 have been added on the chapter of accessories and their installation added on the chapter of general milling-tooling operations
- Hinge installation for frame 84002+84003 has been added
- Canopy and Angular Creta solutions has been added
- Profiles M5717 and M5718 have been added
- Adjustable angle for the Creta pergola solution code 1354679100 has been added
- Angles 1100511000 & 1100527000 has been added
- Mullion processing for hook installation has been added
June 2024
Cord joint 10mm has been added on the chamber between the PVC and the frame to create a barrier in the interlocking position
Adding the corner of the profile P149 with code 160-10-050-00 along with its processing
May 2024
Motor code 425-40-759-00 has been changed to 425-41-767-00
Bill of materials of the electric moter 425-41-767-00 and the main body of the motor bracket 425-40-237-00 have been changed
Installation instructions for proper operation of the electric motor has been added
- Brush weatherstripping pile 20mm has been added on the flyscreen typologies
- Add-on profile S50079 has been improved. Groove has been modified and the wing has been removed
- Brush weatherstripping pile 20mm has been added on the flyscreen typologies
- Add-on profile S50079 has been improved. Groove has been modified and the wing has been removed
- Brush weatherstripping pile 20mm has been added on the flyscreen typologies
- Add-on profile S50079 has been improved. Groove has been modified and the wing has been removed
- Brush weatherstripping pile 20mm has been added on the flyscreen typologies
- Add-on profile S50079 has been improved. Groove has been modified and the wing has been removed
- Cuttings and quantities of the flyscreen sash M868 have been corrected in typology ILS4 Meeting Stile Pocket Sliding 45⁰ Cut with Flyscreen and Shutter
- 1 point lock 440-73-030-00 was replaced by 450-65-135-16. The old one used spacer for keeper 485-65-000-00 while the new one uses latches to lock up and down.
- 3point striker even-odd cutting has been added
April 2024
- M7071 additional profile for the finishing of the barcode profiles has been added
- Additional decorative profile M7069 has been added
- Section 12 for out->in Curtain wall has been added on the chapter of typologies sections
- Installation of bracket for out->in Curtain wall has been added on the chapter of general milling-tooling operations
- Fireproof fixing insert 6807000600 has been added on the chapter of accessories
- Span Length has been added page 244