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October 2019
Renewal of technical catalogue SUPREME S77, S91
The technical catalogues SUPREME S77, S91 have been renewed.
In the general milling chapter, there have been some changes in the content of the pages (more codes have been added).
Also in the accessories chapters, four new punches have been added.
Renewal of technical catalogue SMARTIA S67
The technical catalogue SMARTIA S67 has been renewed.
In the general milling chapter, there have been some changes in the content of the pages (more codes have been added).
Also in the accessories chapters, four new punches have been added.
New base profiles for M8200
New base profiles are created for our railing system M8200, which can be used for various projects. Among these, you will find the F-type base profiles, which are used when the base profile is fixed on the edge of the slab. In such a case, the fixation should always be positioned away from the edge of the slab, so that the anchor faces no risk of damaging the slab edge, resulting in faulty anchorage and stability of the glass railing.

M8216 – 8/1.52/8  &  10/1.52/10
M8217 – 8/1.52/8  &  10/1.52/10
M8219 – 12/1.52/12
Renewal of technical catalogue SUPREME SF85
In all typologies with low threshold, 255-85-035-03 has been replaced with 255-85-026-03 and also 620-11-600-00 has been added.
Renewal of technical catalogue PG120F
There have been some changes in the screws at pages 116,127,128, 132,141
New bottom gasket for frames S67-S77-S91 (250-77-500-03)
We have created a new gasket for the outer side of the frames of S67-S77-S91 systems, to the point of contact with the ground. From now on, all frames of S67-S77-S91 bottom gaskets can be fitted at both the inside and the outside part of the profile.
Renewal of technical catalogue S67
The profile S67152 has been changed to S67046.
The accessory 110-05-156-00 has been changed to 110-05-136-00 on all pivot typologies.
New Curtain Wall bracket 700-70-084-00

We have created a new curtain wall bracket 700-70-084-00 with the following features:

  • 52mm internal distance, ideal for 50mm mullions
  • 1 vertical and 1 horizontal slot, used either for pin or roller support
Renewal of technical catalogue M14600
Correct cutting on page 247: Sw=Fw/2+11.3mm
Accessory 250-07-310-33 has been changed to 250-06-220-33
Renewal of technical catalogue S700
Sections were mirrored on pages 177 - 178.
Renewal of technical catalogue M9660
There has been a dimentional correction on glazing chapter for sash M19702 on page 181
Renewal of the SMARTIA M7 technical catalog
The M7 technical catalogue has been renewed. The M70118 profile 1:1 and 1:4 has been added.
Renewal of FC50 technical catalog
There have been some changes to some sections and the profile M9392 has been added.
September 2019
Renewal of SMARTIA PG120F technical catalogue
Kos system has been added in SMARTIA PG120F technical catalogue.
Accessory for louvres installation on M7
A new accessory has been created for the SMARTIA curtain wall system M7. It provides anchorage to external shading louvres or any other architectural element which might need to be fixed on the external face of the curtain wall. The code is 720-70-025-00. The technical catalogue has been updated.
Renewal of the SMARTIA M9660 technical catalog
Weight correction on profil M19242. Correct weight: 2970 (pages: 21, 47)
Renewal of the SMARTIA MD67 technical catalog

Additional profil S77472 has been added on the catalog (at profiles 1:1 and also on typologies 1.8, 1.9)

Renewal of the SMARTIA M5600 technical catalog

Accessory 720-56-050-00 has been replaced with 720-56-005-00 in the technical catalog

Renewal of the SUPREME SD95 technical catalog
The following changes have been made:
  • S95128, S95130, S95132, S77996 profiles added on profiles 1:1
  • Alternative profils (with S77996) added on door typologies
New certificates

We have been awarded the following new certificates:

S67 single sash balcony door - concealed sash (euro groove)

  • Air permeability : Class 4 
  • Water tightness : Class E1500 
  • Resistance to wind load : Class C3/B3 

S67 entrance door - opening outside (euro groove) 

  • Air permeability : Class 4 
  • Water tightness : Class E1200
  • Resistance to wind load : Class C4/B4 

S560LT double slider - simple slide

  • Air permeability : Class 4 
  • Water tightness : Class 8A 
  • Resistance to wind load : Class C5/B5 
  • Operating forces : Class 2